Thursday, May 3

Shame, I liked Maya Gold too...

Green and Black's Maya Gold is, in my past opinion, rather a tasty chocolate. However, the ease with which I take moral umbrage means I won't be eating much of it in the future, as it turns out that Green and Blacks founder Craig Sams has launched an attack on Ben Goldacre for his repeated complaints that Gilliam McKeith is obsessed with poo and pretending to be a scientist when she isn't. He didn't mention the twaddle about chlorophyll, which I imagine Goldacre will be complaining about until McKeith stops spouting twaddle.

Well, she *is* obsessed with poo and pretending to be a scientist when she isn't. That the sales of high grain and nuts have increased since she starting broadcasting her highly bizarre beliefs about high grain and nuts may mean she has had a slightly beneficial effect, but the general twaddleness of it and that her main aim is to make pots of money rather damage that. Sams aim, it should be noted, is also to make pots of money. Which he has.

Not from me, anymore though, as his chocolate would now leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

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